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  • Our Escape from Morro Bay

    A gentle sea breeze caresses my face as the sound of waves fills the space around me. The sunshine is bright and warm, and the smell of the jungle reaches our cockpit where I find myself writing most of these days. Here in the tropics I am happier than I have been in a while, […] More

  • Happy Hull-idays

    Since we bought Avocet in 2018, Chris and I have carried on our little tradition of “Decking the Hull,” every December, our salty version of decorating for the holidays. Although we had every intention of continuing the cheerful tradition of digging out our minimal decorations, filming a little skit, and spreading holiday cheer through the […] More

  • Morro Bay, California

    I have never been more excited to see a rock in my entire life. It had been a hellacious night passage and tensions were high as the uncertain state of our engine loomed over us. As we approached the Morro Bay Harbor entrance Chris hesitantly turned the ignition key and let our Perkins purr, anxiously […] More